- sack slot fix
- overencoumbered fix
- blackboard dye color fix
- Book and quill crash fix
- you can now add custom wall lanterns models in models/blocks/custom_wall_lanterns
- fixed a bug that allowed buckets to be duplicated by jars and animals inserted in them
- added back forge loot injects
- new sounds for item shelves, doormat and hourglass item placement
- zombie horse conversion will be off when domestic innovation is on
- flute can be used on camels
- fixed pancakes not going into jukeboxes. Removed technical pancake disc
- fixed sign posts related bugs
- fixed multishot slingshot firing from behind
- placed books have new sounds
- updated Computer Craft compat
- completely removed hanging signs
- fixed bubble blower not working
- fixed axe tag not working
- fixed shipwreck map marker not working
- added enderman mob head sound
- fixed wrench advancement not working
- fixed a crash when breaking urns
- added tag for mobs that wont be angered when put in cages
- fixed yet anothe recent server issue. pls no more bugs now i dont want to touch this version ever again
- fixed recent server crash
- fixed crash when using clocks or compasses
- made urn code more resiliant
- candle skulls can now influence quark matrix enchanter
- fixed safe gui slots
- spring launchers can now propel gravity blocks placed right above them
- fixed a crash when breaking urns
- added tag for mobs that wont be angered when put in cages
- added command to add map markers to map
- added command to generate structure leading maps
- fixed some issues related to map markers
- Fixed hanging sign animations using wrong angles
- You can place berries and modded jams on pancakes
- Added some new map markers. updated to the new system