- fixed pulley block chain dupe
- fixed speaker block message
- Pulley blocks can now pull chains and ropes through other connected pulleys. If a pulley is feeding into another thins will allow for side connection up to 6 blocks when being fed by above or infinite as usual from below
- Improved signs shading color
- Added a config to increase sign color brightness
- Added compat with FD signs
- Fixed hanging signs from some mods not swinging correctly
- Fixed safes not being safe anymore
- Added tag for blocks that prevent offset on plants above them like planter
- fixed iron gate sounds
- Vanilla signs now use too use shaded color
- Added Sherds tooltip images previews
- added an option to change tooltip images size
- added an option to allow faucets to dump items into (any) entity inventory
- Blackboard, Presents, Speaker Block, Notice boards, Signs and Doormats will only allow one player to edit at a time.
- They will also abite do text filtering (if anybody is using that,took way more than it should have..)
- Also pls text the above feature in multiplayer
- Blackboard, Notice Boards, Signs and Doormats can be waxed
- Signs like blocks can execute commands like vanilla signs
- Fixed pancake disk not working
- fixed glowing text not working properly at distance
- refactored and improved a bunch of logic related to the above blocks. Pls report any bugs
- improved turn table logic. this makes them work better speicifcally with quark magnets
- improved tipped spikes player loot option, preventing mobs to target the spike fake player or it gaining advancements
- fixed an issue with creative tabs not accounting for mods that didnt add a hanging sign for their wood (bad)
- big notice board cleanup. They now use 3 blockstates instead of tile data making them more responsive
- Notice boards can accept glow ink and antique ink like any other sign
- All mod signs + hanging signs now display text with proper shading, fixing a vanilla issue. This means that text color on signs wont always be the same and will vary just like blocks vary their shade depending on orientation
- Ill patch normal signs later
- added a config to disable notice board gui as it kind of doesnt need it
- fixed blackboard colors in inventory
- fixed some mixin classloading
- new notice board gui
- new pulley gui
- added flag icon to loom gui slot
- Playing a noteblock with a zombie head ontop will scare villagers (thanks to Warrior2000 for idea)
- added stuff to 4 new vanilla tags added in 1.20
- faucets can dissolve sugar cubes, solidify concrete and create mud
- removed copper and crimson lanterns. they are going to the shadow realm as i dont like them (supp squared)
- new notice board gui
- new pulley gui
- added flag icon to loom gui slot
- Playing a noteblock with a zombie head ontop will scare villagers (thanks to Warrior2000 for idea)
- added stuff to 4 new vanilla tags added in 1.20
- faucets can dissolve sugar cubes, solidify concrete and create mud
- disabled copper and crimson lanterns by default. they are going to the shadow realm as i dont like them (supp squared)
- fixed sacks and safes not opening
- fixed iron gate sounds
- added new safe and netherite door/trapdoor recipes
- fixed jar liquids not being translucent
- fixed pancakes not being placeable
- fixed text in present menu
- fixed yet anothe recent server issue. pls no more bugs now i dont want to touch this version ever again