Fixed a crash in (Neo)forge servers due to the sandblaster
Fixed a bug causing the sandy diamond block to do nothing in (Neo)forge servers
Prevents biome replacement from replacing cave biomes
Sandworm mod compat (requires biome change option to be enabled)
Made biome restoration more precise
Desert biomes have now proper tags (better compatibility)
Wand of grass now applies wither for longer
Fixed bugs (sandy diamond block, ...)
Major update
Desert can now change biomes (disabled by default)
Barrel cactus fruit jam added, cleanse hunger
Improved some textures (desert grass , desert flower, ...)
Sandblaster can now polish/strip items
Added blocks variants of weathered sandstone and jujubier log
Fixed sandblaster collision detection
Tabbed config page
Hotfix : forgot to add a loot table to the erratic sandblaster, it now drops correctly when mined
Fixes desert sand's gravity
Added erratic sandblaster : larger area but lower damage
Basic pollution of the realms compat (desert is faster in polluted areas)
Changed jujubier log texture
Tweaked bonus equipment (less)
Wand of grass now inflicts Wither II if target is immune to wither I
Fixed sandblaster's particles
Added sandblaster :
Inflicts heavy damage to entities and armor Can polish blocks Powered by redstone
Zombies can now have bonus armor (leather/chainmail only) when spawned in a large desert (configurable)
Spear of sand's wind gust damage increased
Wind gust now inflicts slowness to infected entities
Fixed bugs
Fixes a bug since version ~0.17 where water will not dry up at all
Added a config option to make water not dry up (disabled by default)
Added mod.toml for easier installation with (Neo)Forge
Fixes visuals problems
Little more compat with Alex's Mobs
Mobs that spawns in the desert can now drops more loot
Improved compatibility with ImmersiveWeathering (block can get converted to sandy variants)
Added compatibility with ColdSweat (temperature)
Fixed crash when the desert speed is increased in the config
Sand remains and sand slab now drops with silk touch
Improved dead log's tree detection
Fixed bug regarding unstable desert sand
Tweaked plant placement (more cactuses/dead bushes in dry biomes)
Sandy diamond block now resistant to blast damage
More config options
New incomplete item, the Sandshaper (acessible only with /give @s desert:sandshaper), not finished at all