Added: Cherry log, cherry stripped log, cherry planks (with stairs and slabs), cherry trapdoor, cherry door, cherry leaves, pink petals, pumpkin stem
64x fixed: mangrove trapdoor specular map, jungle trapdoor opacity, acacia wood missing, birch door bottom texture, anvil cullface; replaced: leaves (mangrove, acacia, jungle)
128x-512x fixed: mangrove trapdoor specular map, jungle trapdoor opacity, acacia wood missing, anvil cullface.
Added: acacia: log, stripped log, planks, door, trapdoor leaves: acacia, jungle, mangrove rose bush, allium, azure bluet
Added: mangrove: log, stripped log, planks, door, trapdoor, roots, muddy roots jungle: door, trapdoor
Added: birch planks (with slabs and stairs), birch door, birch trapdoor, jungle log, stripped jungle log, jungle planks (with slabs and stairs)
Added: mud bricks, clay, bricks, blast furnace, anvil, cauldron, bedrock
Added: tuff, basalt, smooth basalt, polished basalt, glowstone, shroomlight
Added: All stained glass, lamp
Replaced: lantern, torch
Added: Chain, iron door, iron trapdoor, soul lanten, soul torch
iron block iron bars
fixed: orange concrete, mossy cobblestone stairs, dark oak fence post
Almost completely reworked the entire PBR in the pack (normal maps and speculars)
Reworked some materials, like diorite, andesite, etc
Added all Deepslate materials
All versions of the pack are compressed and now weigh less
- Stone
- Stone bricks
- Mossy stone bricks
- Cracked stone bricks
- Smooth stone block and slabs
- Cobblestone
- Mossy cobblestone
- Chiseled stone bricks
- Spruce wood
- All ores in stone
- Dirt path
- Gravel
- Stone bricks wall
- Raw ore blocks (gold, iron, copper)
+some fixes and little corrections
- red mushroom with variants
- brown mushroom with variants
- brown mushroom block
- red mushroom block
- mushroom stem block
- glow lichen
- mycelium
- all tulips
- blue orchid
- pumpkin
- melon
- amethyst block
- amethyst buds
- amethyst cluster
- azalea flowering leaves
- azalea bushes
- calcite
- dripstone
- pointed dripstone all types
- lantern and soul lantern
- Dark oak gates
- Dark oak fence
- Dark oak plate
- Dark oak door
- Dark oak trap door
- Birch plate
- Birch gates
- Rooted dirt
- hay block
- dead bush
- Fixed shading for few models
[only 64x] Almost all textures have undergone additional correction and processing for a more pixel-art look
Fixed: oak door particles, tall grass particles, birch stairs, mossy cobblestone slab.
First public alpha release