Let your players create their worlds!
Generate your world 🌎️
Players can change their new world generation with generator, environment and structures options.
- Flat world (best for buildings)
- Empty world (for parkour)
- Plains (for survival)
- Ocean (for fishing)
- Large biomes
- Normal
- Nether
- The End
Customize your world ⚙️
Players can customize world for displaying in worlds browser and for game.
- Name of world (example: The best parkour v5.0)
- Description (Try to pass this parkour!)
- Icon Item (Nether Stairs)
- Short ID (parkour)
- Category (Adventure)
- Access to join for server players (public)
- Time in world
- Weather
- Players damage rule
- Mob interaction rule
- Mob loot
- Keep inventory
- Natural regeneration
- Death messages
- Immediate respawn
- Block explosion
- Join/quit messages
- Like messages
Visit worlds by other players 📚️
With worlds browser (/worlds) you can find good world. Advertise your world with /ad command.
Server owners can mark worlds as good and add them to the recommeendation section.
Sort worlds
- With many players
- By reputation (amount of likes/dislikes)
- Newest worlds
Coding in worlds 💻️
World owners can create code for their world for execution in play mode. Use event, action and condition blocks, variables and event values.
Integration 😎
Some plugins can turn on additional functionality for OpenCreative+ and enable some coding actions.
- Vault - Economy, request payment action.
- ProtocolLib - Packets sending, open chest animation, player tab hider - spectator mode.
- LibsDisguises - Disguises entity actions.
- PlaceholderApi - Adds custom placeholders to PAPI, parses PAPI placeholders in some messages.
# OpenCreative+ 5.1 - Things will be different.
# (C) McChicken Studio 2017-2025.
# This plugin allows players to create their worlds,
# where they can build, play and even make a code.
# Commands:
# /spawn - Teleports to spawn world.
# /locate [Player] - Displays world info, where player currently plays.
# /join [ID] - Connects player to world with specified ID.
# /games - Opens worlds browser
# /cc - Sends message to creative (global) chat for all players.
# /cc off - Turns off creative chat for player.
# /cc on - Turns on creative chat for player.
# /world - Opens world's settings or displays world's info
# /world info - Displays world's info.
# /world delete - Deletes world.
# /world deletemobs - Removes mobs.
# /ad - Advertises world in chat for all players.
# /build - Changes world's mode to Build, disables PvP,
# and gives Creative mode to world owner and builders.
# /play - Changes world's mode to Play, enables PvP out of spawn area,
# and executes code made in developer mode.
# /dev - Connects player to developer world, where he can create
# a code for world, that will be executed in Play mode.
# /environment - Opens environment settings. (for world owners, world developers)
# /env vars list - Displays list of variables.
# /env vars size - Displays total amount of variables.
# /env debug - Debug mode of code.
# /env barrel - Toggles chests or barrels in dev world.
# /env event [Material] - Changes material for event section in dev world.
# /env action [Material] - Changes material for action section in dev world.
# /env floor [Material] - Changes material for floor in dev world.
# /like - Changes world's reputation by +1
# /dislike - Changes world's reputation by -1
# /give [Player] [Material] [Amount] - Gives item. (for world owners, world developers or builders)
# /tp [Player] (player) - Teleports to player. (for world owners, world developers or builders)
# /gamemode [Gamemode] (player) - Changes player's gamemode. (for world owners, world developers or builders)
# /playsound [Player] [Sound] [Volume] [Pitch] - Plays a sound. (for world owners, world developers or builders)
# /time set [Time] - Changes world's time. (for world owners, world developers or builders)
# /weather [Sun/Storm] - Changes world's weather. (for world owners, world developers or builders)
# /stopsound [Player] - Stops sounds. (for world owners, world developers or builders)
# /creative - Opens menu of plugin info.
# /creative reload - Reloads config.
# /creative list - Displays list of loaded worlds.
# /creative deprecated - Displays list of old worlds, which have owner,
# that last joined server 1 month ago.
# /creative corrupted - Displays list of worlds, that lost settings.yml.
# /creative load [ID] - Loads specified world.
# /creative unload [ID] - Unloads specified world.
# /creative maintenance - Maintenance mode settings (start, end).
# /creative creative-chat - Creative Chat settings (on, off)
# /creative template [folder] - Creates a new world from Minecraft
# save in plugins/OpenCreative/templates
# Powered by Paper API.
# Licensed under GNU GPL v3.
# Additional features by: Vault, ProtocolLib, PlaceholderAPI, LibsDisguises.
# Hangar: https://hangar.papermc.io/mcchickenstudio/OpenCreative
# Source code: https://gitlab.com/eagles-creative/opencreative
# Discord: https://discord.gg/sSFCXUeq63
version: 5.1.0
last-world-id: 0
hide-from-tab: spectator # Hides players, that aren't in same world: spectator - Transparent nickname (requires ProtocolLib), full - Full hide from tab list, none - Not hide.
# Lobby is a world, where player teleports on server join,
# or on command type: /lobby, /hub, /spawn. It gives player
# items for opening menus. To change spawn location use
# /setworldspawn command.
world: "world"
name: "music_disc.creator_music_box"
pitch: 0.7
clear-inventory: true # Inventory will be cleared on server join, world change, should be enabled due to security reasons.
recommended-worlds: [1,2,3,4,5] # List of featured worlds in /games, type world number IDs here.
locale: en # Supported: en, ru - Для русского языка: ru
branding: "<white>Open<gradient:#dbdbdb:#ffd4c2>Creative</gradient><green>+" # Branding uses minimessage (https://webui.advntr.dev/)
prefix: "&6 Worlds &8| &f"
cc-prefix: "&6 Creative Chat &8| &7"
cc-chat: "%cc-prefix%&7%player%&7: %message%" # You can use PAPI placeholders here
world-chat: "&7 %player% &8» &f%message%" # and here
version: "&f \n &fPowered by Open&7Creative&b+ &3%version%\n &f%codename% \n \n &fContibutors: &7McChicken Team\n &fTranslators: &7initzero, Nagibator6000Lol \n \n &cMcChicken Studio 2017-2025\n &c"
critical-errors: true # Will send critical errors in console
warnings: true # Will send warning in console
not-found: true # Will send not found message in console
execute-console-commands: # These commands will be executed on some Creative events
creative-chat: [] # Remove [] if there are some commands
#- "discordsrv broadcast Creative Chat | %player%: %message%"
# These links are allowed to use in Request Resource Pack action.
- "dropbox.com"
- "drive.google.com"
# If player's input new text will not follow
# these requirements, then world's setting
# will be not changed.
min-length: 4
max-length: 30
min-length: 4
max-length: 256
pattern: "^[a-zA-Zа-яА-Я0-9_]+$"
min-length: 2
max-length: 16
# Groups are made for specifying players permissions,
# like world size, world limits, worlds amount.
default: # default - by default for any player, no permissions required
generic-command: 5 # /play, /build, /games
advertisement: 120 # /ad
creative-chat: 10 # /cc
world-chat: 2 # chat in world
limit: 2
size: 25
# Limits for world, that player created.
executor-calls: 100 # limit of executor calls
entities-amount: 50 # limit for spawned entities in world
modifying-blocks: 5000 # limit for changing blocks with world actions per second
redstone-changes: 100 # limit for redstone operations in world
opening-inventories: 5 # limit for opening inventories per 5 seconds for preventing anti-exit
variables-amount: 50 # limit for amount of all variables in world (saved, global, local)
scoreboards-amount: 50 # limit for amount of all scoreboards
bossbars-amount: 10 # limit for amount of all bossbars
coding-platforms: 4 # limit for coding platforms
# When player joins a world or leaves from world,
# this will increase or decrease limits values.
executor-calls: 100
entities-amount: 50
modifying-blocks: 0
redstone-changes: 20
opening-inventories: 5
variables-amount: 50
scoreboards-amount: 3
bossbars-amount: 3
build-permissions: # Permissions will be given when player types /build command
- "headdb.open"
- "worldedit.wand"
# If you want to add WorldEdit permissions please turn off
# region-restrictions in WorldEdit/config.yml to make //set working
#- "worldedit.region.set"
play-permissions: # Permissions will be given when player types /play command
- "headdb.open"
dev-permissions: # Permissions will be given when player types /dev command
- "headdb.open"
- "essentials.itemname"
permission: "opencreative.group.premium"
generic-command: 3
advertisement: 100
creative-chat: 4
world-chat: 1
limit: 4
size: 50
executor-calls: 120
entities-amount: 200
modifying-blocks: 7500
redstone-changes: 200
opening-inventories: 5
variables-amount: 500
scoreboards-amount: 50
bossbars-amount: 10
coding-platforms: 4
executor-calls: 30
entities-amount: 50
modifying-blocks: 0
redstone-changes: 20
opening-inventories: 5
variables-amount: 50
scoreboards-amount: 10
bossbars-amount: 10
- "headdb.open"
- "worldedit.wand"
#- "worldedit.region.set"
#- "worldedit.region.replace"
- "headdb.open"
- "headdb.open"
- "essentials.itemname"
# Maintenance mode unloads all worlds and
# prevents players without admin permissions
# from loading or creating worlds.
# /creative maintenance start 30
# /creative maintenance end
maintenance: false
# In Debug mode OpenCreative+ will send some
# information about plugin's work and state.
# Not useful, if you're not developing OC+.
debug: false
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Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
Licensed GPL-3.0-only
Published last week
Updated 2 days ago