Port to 1.21.4
Backport to 1.21.1
- Switched from ProtocolLib to PacketEvents
- Improved preformance
- Cleaner code
Backported from 1.21
- Moved InventoryCloseEvent to protocol instead of Paper.
- Refactored anvil forwarding
- Now uses packets for cleaner impletaion and better handeling (Should also now work with any other plugin)
- Added option to disable forward
- Added debug option
- Added 1.21 support
- Added config with options to disable overriding of either block
- Added InventoryClickEvent Emulation
- Updated Versions
- Improved PrepareAnvilEvent and PrepareSmithingEvent emulation
- Fixed Smithing table close duplication bug
- Added cost indicator
- Internationalized text
- Fixed Anvil close duplication bug
- Fixed item anvil rename duplication bug
- Fixed item name change on enchant
- Now supports proxies (with setup)
- Added Support for all 1.20 versions
- Anvil removes levels, damages itself, and reacts to taking the result
- Added AnvilMenu rename text injection
- Removed unnecessary log messages