MC 1.20.1 - 2.0.0
Mods from the creator “someaddon” have been removed, as they should only be in CurseForge.
For a better experience, we recommend installing the CurseForge version of the modpack.
Remember to always make a backup of your world, and never change version, if you play in 1.20.1 you must continue in that version.
Do you need a server to play with your friends?
If you are looking for a server to play any modpack with your friends, Bisect Hosting is your solution! They have the best quality-price Minecraft servers, and with the code "Lupin" you will receive a 25% discount.
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MC 1.20.1 - 1.0.0
IMPORTANT: If you had a previous version of this modpack you MUST NOT UPGRADE your world, you should only play this version if you are going to start a world from 0.
We have made big changes in this version, so you should not update a previous world, just start a new game.
We are still working on new quests that will be available in the next months.
Do you need a server to play with your friends?
If you are looking for a server to play any modpack with your friends, Bisect Hosting is your solution! They have the best quality-price Minecraft servers, and with the code "Lupin" you will receive a 25% discount.
Click here to get a 25% discount on the purchase of your server!