- Update to 1.21.4
- Remove unupdated mods
- Add ViaFabricPlus, ChatPlus
- Remove mods replaced by ChatPlus
- add: better mipmaps, better mount hud, better statistics screen, paginated advancements, force close loading screen, mac os input fixes, fix keyboard on linux, fast ip ping, fastquit, lazy language loader
- update: chat heads, chat patches, chat notify, cit resewn, dynamic fps, entity texture features, fabric language kotlin, lithium, optigiu, reese's sodium options, sounds
- replace cubes without borders with concentration
- update REI, skyblock tweaks, clean f3, crosshair tweaks
- add config for puzzle
- update cloth config, inventory scale, reese's sodium options, modmenu config
- add cit resewn
- update sodium, iris, sodium extra
- add default ETF config
- disable controlify completely
- 1.21
- Removed nvidium, distant horizons, controlify, simple block overlay, obsidianui, ryoamic lights, auth me
- Added custom block highlight, autoreauth, unilib, snapper, numerical enchantments, mount opacity, dropped item tweaks, render tweaks, inventory scale, better night vision, skyblock tweaks
Add Scoreboard Tweaks
- Update mods, add Screencapper
- Update several mods
- Add Distant Horizons
- Add JsonEM
- Add several shaderpacks
Initial testing release