made some colored map code more resiliant improved book pile code, possibly fixing an issue removed turn table from functional tab
- added config to move s button
- reworked placeable book system internals
- fixed a compat issue with curse loot function
- fixed wall enderman head not giving changing power signal
- structure maps can jsons can now accept tags as well as direct reference to the structure or even structure lists
updated to work with newest quark
fixed a rope dupe workaround for a possile ftb chunk issue
fixed a rope dupe with ropes and pulleys
fixed antique ink not applying to signs fixed a rare issue with ftb chunks causing a deadlock fixed candle holder model rotation fixed some items missing from creative tabs fixed carthographer quill retry message fixed hanging pots missing block colors
All mod custom added trades use Moonlight new data driven trade system. You can add your own aswell to any villager
upsies mixin
red merchant trades are noe entirely data driven fixed some server side mixin issues
made double cakes class a bit more resiliant to mixins randomly adding blockstates to normal cake block. I could have done that too but thats terrible for compatibiliry... added fabric waystones integration