added Paxels
Paxels can strip logs and can create dirt path and farmland
Paxels can mine all blocks that are usually mined using a pickaxe/axe/shovel/hoe
added Netherite armor to Piglin save armor
all armor that requires Netherite to be crafted is Piglin Save
-added Onethdenderite Tools and Armor
-targeting 1.21.2
-added Void Armor and Tools
-backport to 1.20.5/1.20.6
-backport to 1.21
-End Ores now drop more experience
-End Redstone Ores are now able to generate naturally
-added End Diamond
-obtained trough mining End Diamond Ores
-only have ha low odd
-added End Diamond Tools and Armor
-The End Ores now drop experience
-End Redstone Ore functions like the other Redstone Ores
-added End Ores
-these don't have a special function yet but will in the future
-the End Redstone Ore does not work like the other Redstone Ores
-all Ores do not drop experience yet
-added rewards for the deepslate emerald advancements
-it is possible to get Deepslate Emerald Upgrade Smithing Templates trough mining a Deepslate Emerald Ore
-Deepslate Emerald Ores now drop more Deepslate Emeralds
-new Tools and Armor Types:
-Deepslate Emerald
-new other Items
-Deepslate Emerald
-obtained trough mining a deepslate emerald ore
-Deepslate Emerald Upgrade Smithing Template
-new Blocks
-Deepslate Emerald Block
-needs a Netherite Pickaxe
-new Languages:
-English(United Kingdom)
-More Tools and Armor
-Budding Amethyst Crystal
-Budding Amethyst Weapons
-Budding Amethyst Tools
-Budding Amethyst Armor
-Obsidian Weapons
-Obsidian Tools
-Obsidian Armor
-Copper Weapons
-Copper Tools
-Copper Armor
-Emerald Weapons
-Emerald Tools
-Emerald Armor
-Deepslate Emerald
-Deepslate Emerald Upgrade Smithing Template
-Deepslate Emerald Weapons
-Deepslate Emerald Tools
-Deepslate Emerald Armor
-Deepslate Emerald Block
-you can now get up to 3 Budding Amethyst Crystals from one Budding Amethyst