WARNING: be careful if loading this version of the mod into an existing world. Some of the changes in this version could cause old versions of Mo' Creatures Legacy entities to bug out or be deleted.
Changed the Following Entity Names:
- ButterFly --> Butterfly
- DragonFly --> Dragonfly
- WildHorse --> Horse
Fixed entity spawn list config file not working.
Fixed kitty bed items all sharing one texture. All kitty bed items now have their own textures. The original kitty bed texture is now only used for the kitty bed achievement.
Sharks will now try to break any boats that have players in them. Because of this the only safe ways to travel through oceans are now is to ride a dolphin or to fly.
The sound effect for elephant tusks breaking is now the vanilla Minecraft tool breaking sound.
Improved meaningfulness of kitty code.
Readded Ents as a config option.
Added config option to register vanilla extensions under vanilla Minecraft label. This is set to false by default since it is incompatible with many mods.
Sharks now only try to break boats on hard difficulty. Also decreased the chance that sharks break the player's boat with each hit. If not aggravate, sharks now only have a 40% chance to target player's in boats. But if attacked they will straight away try to break that players boat. Boats broken by sharks now only drop sticks, this was done to improve compatibility with other mods that add boats.
Removed creeper extension. Vanilla MC creepers are now afraid of MoCreatures kitties.
Undead mobs no longer attack players if they are riding undead horses.
Fixed Mo'Creatures entities being attacked by mobs if there is a player riding them. Now mobs need to kill the player first to attack the mo creatures entity.
Pet scorpions now only accept crafted saddles and no longer use normal saddles.
Undead mobs will now ignore players riding an undead ostrich or scorpion.
Undead mobs are now neutral to the player if they are riding an undead mount.
Removed creeper extension from lang files.
Added ostriches and scorpions to /mocspawn command. Also fixed existing errors with the command.
Finished fixing Mo'Creatures mounts getting attacked by mobs when ridden.
All non-flying Mo'Creatures horses now use their jump animation when jumping like vanilla mc horses.
Added elephant to /mocspawn command.
Added vanilla mc sounds to horse jumping.
Undead mobs will now only ignore players if their max health is below 50 and the player is riding an undead mount.
Pet scorpions will now sting and apply their potion effect on mobs that the player attacks while riding them.
Fixed cave scorpions applying poison effect. They now apply nausea.
Fixed Jellyfish not poisoning any entity that touches it.
Fixed jellyfish not glowing at night.
Added vanilla ore dictionary tags for the wyvern lair log, stone, planks and leaves.
Fixed the /mocspawn command spawning wyverns in their child state.
Fishable fish now swim up to fish hooks.
Hopefully fixed jellyfish flickering emissive texture bug.
Decreased the max spawn count for aquatic creatures to reduce lag in oceans
Sharks now destroy Et Futurum Requiem boats that players are riding in hard difficulty.
Re-tweaked sharks attacking boats:
- In hard difficulty: sharks will have a 10% chance to break the players boat with each hit.
- In other difficulties: sharks will sometimes follow players that are in a boat but they will not try to destroy the boat.
Added More Feeding Item Integration:
- Pandas now include the itembamboo item from the Bamboo mod. Pandas also now include the bamboo, cropBamboo, cropBambooshoot ore dictionaries for feeding.
- Elephants now include the cropCoconut ore dictionary for feeding.
- Fishy and Small Fish now include the cropKelp and cropSeaweed ore dictionaries for feeding according to their spawning biome (Fishy eats saltwater plants, while most Small Fish eat freshwater plants, but the Mandarinfish will only eat saltwater plants)
Added More Item Drop Integration:
- Horses now drop horse meat from the LotsOfFood mod if it is installed
- Bunnies now drop the same items as Et Futurum rabbits if the Et Futurum mod is installed.
- Goats now drop chevon from the Novacraft mod if it is installed
Added the golden sickle, all silver tools, and all electrum tools from the Thermal Foundation mod as werewolf weakness items. The Electrum sword is the only item that is equal to the Mo' Creatures Silver Sword in it's effectiveness against werewolves.
Code clean up.
Merged Wolf Altar Replacement into Mo' Creatures Legacy. Also created a config setting to generate the Wolf Altar Replacement Mod. Also updated credits.
Mice, Bunny, Pet Scorpion, and Snake now take fall damage.
Added spawn eggs to Mo' Creatures creative tab.
Made Witchery player werewolf/wolf form detector check duration of night vision potion to better assess whether it is from the Witchery werewolf mechanism.
Added kitty beds to creative tab.
Renamed "easyBreeding" config to "hardHorseBreeding" and updated the description.
Fixed land horse speeds not working.
Added vanilla horse galloping sounds to Mo' Creatures horses.
Fixed fire immunity for nightmare horse, dark Pegasus, and fire ogres resetting with each world reload.
Fixed sunlight damage mechanism for normal ogre.
Recruited werewolves now no longer drop anything.
Fixed Dolphin speed not working.
Added Dolphin to /mocspawn command.
Slightly increased flying speed of Wyvern.
Converted the "instant kill if entity spawned in wrong biome" events to overrides of the canSpawnHere() function for the affected entities.
Fixed Fish Net not saving the entity data of aquatic pet which used to prompt the player to rename an already named pet.
Non-Flying Mo'Creatures Horses now display and use the vanilla horse jump bar.
Fixed Jellyfish trying to poison Boats and Players on Boats. This also includes Boats from Et Futurum Requiem.
Added Dolphin jump and jump animation.
Fixed modEntityID not being applied to spawn eggs.
Slightly improved dolphin landing into water after jump.
Underwater players can no longer reel in fish.
Players can no longer ride dolphins that aren't adults.
Fixed unicorn jump strength.
Fixed horses taking fall damage from jumping.
Removed slowness after horse sprint for all horses except nightmare horse, unicorns, and fairies.
Reduced slowness after horse sprint for affected horses.
Fixed fire immunity for ostriches, scorpions, and pet scorpions resetting with word reloads.
Pet scorpions no longer use their sting to targets specified by riders. Instead they now have a chance of dealing extra damage each time the rider attacks that target.
Fixed horse jump bar not updating when player disconnect and reconnect while riding horse. Also, fixed players able to make horses jump in mid-air.
Added more weakness items for Werewolf: Balkan's Weapons Mod:
- Golden Spear (Melee Damage only)
- Golden Halberd
- Golden Battleaxe
- Golden Warhammer
- Golden Knife (Melee Damage only)
- Golden Musketbayonet (Melee Damage only)
- Golden Katana
- Golden Flail
For items with the "Melee Damage only" tag, I couldn't add support for the projectile entity versions of these items because I would need permission from the author of the Balkan's Weapons mod to use their mod as a library in the Mo' Creatures Legacy source code to properly detect the Golden versions of those entities.
Thermal Foundation:
- Golden Sickle
- Silver Sickle
- Silver Hoe
- Silver Shovel
- Silver Pickaxe
- Silver Axe
- Silver Sword
- Electrum Sickle
- Electrum Hoe
- Electrum Shovel
- Electrum Pickaxe
- Electrum Axe
- Electrum Sword
Added ore dictionary crafting recipe for Pet Food if GregTech 6 or Palm's Harvest is loaded
Bunny now drops fur on death. If Et Futurum Requiem it will instead drop rabbit hide and other rabbit items.
Removed unneeded enchantment book checks previously added for items.
Dolphin rider position now updates with Dolphin rotation.
Fixed Kitty lifecycle. Kittens that grow up now use the adult Kitty behaviour.
Kitty no longer becomes angry from going into water.
Fixed rotation for prey inside Crocodile's mouth while it is doing it's spin attack, this also resulted in the spin attack being faster than before.
Cleaned up some of the Crocodile render code.
Retweaked horse speeds so that no horse is slower than the slowest possible vanilla Minecraft horse.
/mocspawn error messages for invalid entity type now indicate that that type is specifically invalid for that entity
Improve accuracy of fire placement for Nightmare horse fire trail.
Ducks will now run to the nearest water if attacked by an entity on land.
Fly and Roach now forage for dropped rotten flesh items.
Removed slowness after Elephant charge as Elephants are already slow.
Fixed Elephant speed not working. Also re-tweaked Elephant Speeds
Fixed Ostrich Speed and Jump not working. Also re-tweaked Ostrich Speeds
Wyvern Ostrich now has a very slight slow fall.
Returned Wyvern Ostrich flying mechanism to original state.
Replaced Fire Ogres dropping Heart of Fire with Gold Ingots.
Werewolves now howl when they transform into wolf form.
Cleaned up code by removing duplicate functions and unused code.
Fixed shark attacking players on boats when difficulty is below hard.
Fixed Wyvern Lair Tall Grass not spawning in Wyvern Lair.
Wraiths no longer attack players who are riding undead mounts unless they are attacked.
Ghost Horses no longer make horse gallop sounds.
Added Ostrich Variant achievements.
Updated undead and ghost horse achievement description.
Fixed non-flyer ostriches making wing flap sounds when jumping.
Ghost horses now no longer make jump sounds when jumping.
Fixed Wyvern Ostrich and Nether Ostrich feet in 16x texture.
Fixed predators making eating sounds and destroying own drops when killed.
Added kitty breeder, dolphin tamer, and goat milker achievements.
Changed icon of ostrich helmet achievement.
Horses that are purely made from essences of light (pegasus, unicorn, and fairy horse) now have slow passive regeneration to make up for them only able to be healed using essences of light which is expensive.
Removed the requirement of needing to use a key to open chests on elephants, horses, ostrich, and wyverns. Now players only need to right click while sneaking to open the chest. This is also now affected by the emptyHandPickUpAndMount config setting.
Unihorned ostriches also now have passive regeneration like light essence horses.
Fixed title of Unihorned Ostrich achievement.
Updated various achievement descriptions.
Fixed items in horse chests disappearing on world reload.
Fixed ostrich chest slot size increasing on world reload.
Increased tamed elephant ram damage.
Removed plop sound effect when putting chest on wyvern.
Removed unused entries in all lang files.
Fixed English achievement descriptions being too long and causing crashes.
Added passive regen to dark pegasus.
Removed moc config commands. Now configs can only be modified using the config files.
Removed special rendering for Jellyfish as it didn't do much.
Returned aquatic creature's water vertical movements to how it was in the original mod.
Increased land creature spawn weights to be closer to how it was in the original mod.
Reduced aquatic creature spawns with a focus on lowering spawn rates for aquatic creatures with complex models to improve performance in oceans.
Fixed wraiths and bat horse flying on top of player and sinking down to attack.
Fixed wraiths and bat horse vertical path finding.
Added zonkey achievement.
Added a fail-safe for werewolf gold and silver weapon detection. Now werewolves will detect gold and silver swords from any mod.
Added raw fish as healing item for jellyfish.
Added seeds as healing item for crab. Crabs also now accept seaweed from other mods as healing items.
Update credits.
Fixed fox not making eating sound when fed.
Fixes some mistakes in the English language file.
Added biome spawning integration for Realistic World Gen (GregTech New Horizons Fork).
Made achievement language key's unique.
Fixed unknown character in Russian translation.
Desert snakes are now immune to cactus damage.
Added mod page text as a html file inside the mod archive.
Removed "attackDolphins" config setting because it was redundant.
Fixed turtle crash.
Fixed entity ID conflict crash for good.
Tweaked texture: nightmare horse achievement icon.
Minor code edits: simplification in some areas, and renaming to match Java naming convention in others.
Fixed the replaceWitcheryWerewolfEntities config option being dependent on the replaceVanillaCreepers config.
Improved location accuracy for spawning fire particles when Witchery integration werewolf is right-clicked with wolfsbane. Also improved location accuracy for where golem blocks transform back to solid blocks.
Improved the meaningfulness of some identifiers in render classes.
Added feature to make Witchery integration werewolves use human model and Minecraft Comes Alive textures if both Witchery and Minecraft Comes Alive are installed.
Fixed werewolves taking too much damage if attacked by an entity that isn't a player. Also Witchery witch hunters now deal 5 damage to werewolves using their silver bolts. Silver Skeletons now deal 9 damage to werewolves if they end up fighting each other.
Improved werewolf detection of projectile damage (non-damaging projectiles, arrows, and Witchery silver bolts).
Fixed Witchery integration werewolves not taking damage in human form when hit by Witchery witch hunters.
NOTE: Witchery witch hunters can tell the difference between normal villagers, Minecraft Comes Alive villagers, and Witchery integration werewolves. Witchery witch hunters will find and kill Witchery integration werewolves even if they are in their human form.
Added config option to control whether the human form for Mo' Creatures werewolves use realistic human sounds. This is set to false by default.
Fixed Mo' Creatures werewolf not taking proper damage in human form.
Fixed crash when the player tries to hook a Werewolf using a fishing rod.
Fixed wolfsbane interaction with Witchery werewolf integration villagers and Witchery werewolf integration Minecraft Comes Alive villagers.
Simplified the code for the ostrich interact function.
Fixed elephant chest achievement description for all lang files.
Simplified the code for wyverns dropping armour.
Fixed white werewolf lips. Also removed unused texture.
The following creatures now have attack damages that scale with the difficulty:
- Scorpion
- Wraith
- Flame Wraith
- Golem Block
- Silver Skeleton <- also increased base attack damage
Tweaked Thaumcraft aspects for:
- Wyvern
- Silver Skeleton
The Songhua River mammoth can now carry 4 elephant chests just like the regular mammoth.
Improved meaningfulness of identifiers in the code for elephant.
Fixed elephants always destroying blocks without being whipped.
Fixed elephant tusks not taking damage when breaking blocks.
Fixed creature duplication glitch with mob confinement items from the Mob Confinement mod.
Fixed creeper extension not having a chance to mutate into a mutant creeper if the Mutant Creatures mod is installed and has been affected with chemical X.
Added a helper mod "Wolf Altar Replacement" to change the model and texture of the wolf altar from the Witchery mod.
Improved efficiency of empty string detection.
Max-level Witchery werewolf players can now recruit werewolves that are in their werewolf form by right-clicking them with an empty hand. Recruited werewolves will follow the player that recruited them, and will not attack the player even if the player that recruited them is in human form. Recruited werewolves can be told to stay put by being shift right-clicked by the player that recruited them. However, the recruitment will reset when the werewolf entity returns to its human form. Recruited werewolves will despawn unless they have a name tag.
Added water plants from the Plant Mega Pack mod as food items for small fish and fishy. Small fish can only eat freshwater plants, and Fishy can only eat saltwater plants, this reflects the places they live in.
Fixed pet amulets, horse amulets, and fish nets making the max health of any stored creature to 20HP.
Fixed aquatic creatures always trying to swim up to the surface of water.
Fixed the second player not being able to mount a mammoth platform. Also now for a player to mount a mammoth platform while another player is riding the Songhua River mammoth, they first must make the mammoth sit by sneaking near it, and after the mammoth sits they will need to jump while close to the mammoth to get onto the mammoth platform.
Final corrections for the en_US.lang file.
Fixed turtles not recognizing that they are a teenage mutant ninja turtle if they are given a TMNT name in one of the supported languages. Also removed forgiveness of spelling mistakes for English TMNT names, this is because players now have the achievements page where they can find the proper spelling of that TMNT name.
Aquatic creatures can now swim both up and down by themselves.
Rays no longer move their tail sideways when swimming.
Rays can now be healed using raw fish and any other item in the "listAllfishraw" ore dictionary.
Medium fish can now be healed using raw fish and any other item in the "listAllfishraw" ore dictionary. This is because in real life, cod, bass, and salmon are predatory fish, some of which are cannibals.
Fixed ray health.
Fixed the texture for the back of the hell rat tail. Also improved hell rat body texture.
Moved the "Wolf Altar Replacement" mod to its own repository and webpage. The "Wolf Altar Replacement" mod will be completed at a later date.
Fixed werewolves taking real damage when transforming back to human form.
Fixed Mo' Creatures werewolves not fighting back if they are in their werewolf form and are attacked by a witch hunter.
Increased whip durability to 64.
Final tidy-up of text files.
NOTE: worlds that previously had older versions of Mo' Creatures Legacy may experience issues if this version is loaded into that world, this is because a lot of changes were made to the code since the previous versions. It is safer to create a new world if using this version for the first time.
Fixed EnderIO tooltips not showing for MoC weapons. Also fixed MoC weapons not able to be enchanted through an enchanting table.
Fixed silver sword texture.
Added horse meat drop integration with the Food Expansion mod and Improving Minecraft mod. If GregTech6 is not installed and any of these mods are loaded, normal Mo' Creatures horses will drop horse meat from those mods. The priority for horse meat drops are 1 - Food Expansion. 2 - Improving Minecraft.
Fixed MoC weapons and armor not repairable with their materials in an anvil. Note: scorpion swords are repaired using diamonds.
Fixed bear spawning in desert.
Fixed naming GUI positioning with different GUI scales.
Improved food item detection code for creatures that eat dropped items.
Fixed naming GUI displaying when feeding a tamed fox or raccoon.
Added GregTech6, Palm's Harvest, and more Biomes O' Plenty Item Integration for Taming and Feeding items using Ore Dictionaries: Ore Dictionaries with the "listAll" prefix apply to GregTech6, Biomes O' Plenty and Palms Harvest. They may also work with other mods as well. All other Ore Dictionaries here are from GregTech 6.
Big Cat: listAllmeatraw, foodScrapmeat
Bunny: listAllveggie
Bird: foodRaisins, listAllseed
Ostrich (feeding only): foodRaisins, listAllseed
Horse (feeding only): listAllwheats, listAllgrain, itemGrass , itemGrassDry
Elephant (feeding only): listAllfruit, listAllwheats, listAllgrain, itemGrass, itemGrassDry
Fox (feeding only): foodScrapmeat
Komodo Dragon (feeding only): listAllmeatraw, foodScrapmeat
Wyvern (feeding only): foodScrapmeat
Snake (feeding only) : foodScrapmeat
Deers now drop hide instead of fur. Also added Twilight Forest venison drops for deer.
Added new feeding items for fishy and small fish:
- Any vanilla MC seeds
- Et Futurum Requiem: Beetroot seeds
- Biomes O' Plenty: Kelp
- Palms Harvest: Seaweed
- Any item in GregTech 6 oredictionary: "foodRaisins"
Added more Tropicraft feeding item integration: - Elephant: Coconut chunks, Pineapple chunks. OreDictionary: listAllFruit
Added more Palms Harvest item integration:
- Elephant (feeding only): Coconut
- Panda: Bamboo Shute
Fixed pet bird always flapping wings when on player's head. Pet birds now only flap their wings when they are making the player glide.
Fixed Dolphin speed.
The following creatures now defend their owner if their owner is attacked by an entity:
- Big Cats
- Pet Scorpions
- Snakes
- Wyverns
- Komodo Dragons
- Sharks
- Elephants
Added config option to control whether special pets defend their owners.
Fixed big cat speed and health.
Tweaked rider position on dolphins.
Fixed dolphins sinking when ridden even if they are not diving down.
Fixed texture bug at the bottom of big cat mouths.
Tamed baby lions now have a chance to grow up into either tamed male lions or tamed female lions.
Werewolves now hunt villagers.
Fixed werewolves taking damage from snowball and egg projectiles.
Dire Wolves now attack players regardless of whether it is night or day.
Fixed Werewolf health not changing when in human form and wolf form. Also, fixed werewolf taking real damage when transforming.
Fixed kitty looking at player when kitty is sleeping.
The following pets can now be healed using the following items in addition to their previous items:
- Turtles: "listAllveggie" (ore dictionary), "listAllfruit" (oredictionary)
- Pet Scorpion: rotten flesh, scrap meat (GregTech 6)
Feeding a pet with one of it's normal food items now no longer instantly heals them to full health. However, feeding essences to a pet scorpion, or the same type of essence to an essence created horse or ostrich will still heal them to full health.
Fixed bear and elephant health.
Fixed bear eyes.
Fixed predator creatures not destroying drops when destroy drops is enabled. Also, now all predators heal themselves slightly if they kill prey and destroy it's drops.
Dire Wolves and Werewolves now heal themselves slightly when they kill prey.
Black and Brown bears, Raccoons, Foxes, and Komodo Dragons now eat food items that are on the ground if they are below max health.
Angry bees will now spawn if a player breaks a hive from the Palm's Harvest Mod.
Fixed elephant speed. Fixed ostrich health and speed. Fixed Wyvern health.
Ownership of tamed pets can no longer be stolen by other players using amulets or medallions. Players will now need to use scrolls to transfer or remove their ownership. Also, pets can now only be whipped or renamed by their owners. If a player tries to whip a tamed predator creature and they are not the owner of the creature, that creature will attack that player.
If a tamed special creature (mostly predators) is attacked by a player and that player is not the owner of that creature, that creature will now attack that player.
Pets can no longer be renamed using a book or a name tag, kitties can also no longer be tamed using a book or a name tag. The items for these uses is now only the medallion.
Added language file dependency for the max number of pets reached chat notification. Excluding the chat messages for MoC commands, this marks the completion of full language file dependency for all texts from the original Mo' Creatures mod.
Decreased health of all insects except crabs to 2HP.
Added drops for the following mobs: Deer: venison (if palms harvest is installed)
Fixed transparent spots in all medium fish. Improved texture of salmon.
Improved fishing for small fish, fishy, and medium fish. If these creatures are reeled in after biting a fishing hook, they will now be instantly turned into an item in the player's inventory.
Improved fishing for fishable creatures. Now reeling in the fish is just like vanilla minecraft.
Small fish, fishy, and medium fish now have a chance to be force hooked on to a fishing rod by a player throwing the fishing hook at them without the fish willingly biting the hook. But this method of catching fish takes more durability damage on the fishing rod than if the player were to wait for the fish to bite the hook.
Improved meaningfulness of identifiers in all entity base classes. Also slightly improved the efficiency of For loops in those classes.
Fixed werewolf not recognizing golden shovel as one of their weakness items.
More improvements to meaningfulness of identifiers in entity classes and proxy classes.
Reduced golden shovel weakness damage to werewolf to 3.
Silver skeleton now only run fast if they see an entity to attack (eg: player).
Blocks thrown by Mini Golems and Big Golems will now instantly turn into solid blocks when they hit the ground. This can be disabled by setting the gamerule doMobGreifing to false.
Mini Golems are now no longer able to pickup and throw liquid blocks (eg placeable water block, placeable lava block).
Fixed pandas and bear cubs dragging themselves around when sitting.
Fixed duck not floating in water. Fixed duck flapping wings in water.
Fixed mole having a shadow on the surface when it is digging undergound.
Fixed already spawned scorpions changing their type when they walk into an area where another type of scorpion spawns.
Scorpions now no longer drop string.
The following creatures now accept food from the "listAllfishraw" oredictionary:
- Big Cat
- Piranha
- Dolphin
- Shark
- Komodo Dragons
- Kitty (only when angry to calm down)
Komodo Dragons now accept rotten flesh as a food item.
Wyverns now accept Harvestcraft raw rabbit as a food item.
Fixed the land predators that are supposed to hunt fish not hunting fish if they are in rivers.
Slightly increased the whip interaction distance.
Fixed zebra shuffle! Tamed zebras now only dance when a zebra record is put in a jukebox nearby. Also readded feature of other MoC Horses nodding their head when the zebra record is played nearby. If you remove the zebra record before it has finished playing or if you change the record in the jukebox to another record before it has finished, shuffling for horses will still continue for a 1-3 minutes, afterwards the horse will still return to normal. If you want to instantly stop the horse shuffling without waiting for the zebra record to finish, you can break the jukebox and it will stop all shuffling horses nearby.
Fixed jukebox not timing out by itself if it is playing the zebra record and there are shuffling horses nearby.
Fixed kitty rotation when picked up by players on the players shoulders.
If any of the following creatures are attacked by a player that is not the owner of that creature, and that player then tries to mount that creature. The following creatures will now drop that player off their back:
- Horse (special horses only)
- Elephant
- Komodo Dragon
- Pet Scorpion
- Wyvern
Fixed the following textures:
- Lioness neck
- Panda eyes
- Silver Skeleton blades
- Dire Wolf lips
- Werewolf lips
Tweaked the textures of the following achievement icons:
- Bird Tamer
- Nightmare Horse
- Fairy Horse
- Pegasus
- Dark Pegasus
Added drops for the following creatures (only if Exotic Birds mod is Installed):
- Bird: small bird meat
- Duck small bird meat
Made the Creeper Extension entity be under the the vanilla minecraft mobs label.
Now only the owner of the pet or an Opped player can use a scroll on a tamed creature.
Added Witchery werewolf replacement integration.
Fixed spawning biome spawning integration with Netherlicious!
Removed config option for using scroll of reset owner since only opped players can use this item.
Added config option to control whether to use 16x Mo' Creatures textures or the original Mo' Creatures textures. This feature works on the client side, allowing players to customize this setting for themselves regardless of whether they are the owner of the world/server without affecting that world/server.
Dire wolves and Mo'Creatures Legacy werewolves no longer hunt players if the player is in werewolf form from the Witchery mod. But if you transform only after they see you as a target they will continue attacking you, so you will need to transform far away from Dire wolves and werewolves to approach them without them attacking you.
Simplified the code for Dire wolves and Werewolves hunting.
Players that are in werewolf form from the witchery mod can now no longer interact with creatures. To interact with creatures, werewolf players must be in human form.
Tidied up the code for generating config files.
Put the kitty bed texture back in it's original place.
Removed emissive texture for anglerfish to maximize compatibility with both Mo'Creatures texture packs and the option to switch between the 16x and original Mo' Creatures textures.
Added replacement for Witchery player wolf forms (only applies to player werewolves that are level 7 and above). Also added a config option to control this.
Added brown variant for dire wolves.
Added config option to select the color for player wolf and werewolf forms for witchery. This option is not unique to players, the color that is chosen will affect the wolf and werewolf forms for all players in a world/server.
Players can no longer interact with Mo' Creatures entities if they are in wolf or werewolf form from the Witchery mod.
Dire wolves, werewolves, and Mo' Creatures integration werewolves now defend max level werewolf players (if the player is in wolf or werewolf form) from entities that attack them.
Fixed fire werewolf not being immune to fire.
Dire wolves, werewolves, and Mo' Creatures integration werewolves will now no longer fight back if attacked by a werewolf player (if the player is in wolf or werewolf form).
NOTE: Dire wolves, werewolves, and Mo' Creatures integration werewolves will attack the player if they are in wolf form and are below level 7. They will never attack a player that is in werewolf form or if a player is in wolf form and they are level 7 or above.
Fixed dire wolves, Werewolves, and Mo' Creatures integration werewolves continuing to attack the player after they have just transformed into wolf or werewolf form.
Werewolves that attack a max level werewolf player before they turn to wolf or werewolf form will suffer the death of shame. ( If a werewolf that attacks a max level werewolf player before they turn into wolf or werewolf form, and that player then turns to wolf or werewolf form, the werewolf that attacked that max level werewolf player will kill themselves ).
The following creatures now have attack damages that change with the world difficulty:
- Dire wolf
- Werewolf
- Witchery integration werewolf
Witchery integration werewolves now have the following varients: white, black, and brown.
Added Russian language file. Thanks to Hudhand for the translation.
Returned elephants' bulldozer ability to it's original state from Mo' Creatures.
Added the following items from the following mods as food & tame items for panda:
- Growthcraft: Bamboo
- Plant Mega Pack: All bamboo variants
Added config option to control whether wraiths go through walls.
Added config option to control whether maggots, snails, and jellyfish drop slimeballs.
Added config option to control pet health display modes:
- 0 = Do not show health bar for pets
- 1 = Always show health bar for pets
- 2 = Only show health bar for pets if they are hurt
Added config option to control whether creatures can be mounted or picked up only with a free hand or with items in hand as well.
Readded ability for players to ride a non-flying mount with a creature picked up or on their head. You will first need to pickup the pickable creature and then mount the mountable creature. This maybe a bit tricky to do for pickable creatures that are in the player's hand or on the player's shoulder.
Fixed black and brown bears only hunting player during night.
Added rare giant panda variants as a config option.
Added werewolf weakness damage from Witchery silver bolt for werewolves and Witchery integration werewolves. This will only work if the player has silver bolts in their inventory without any other types of bolts in their inventory.
Improved readability of interact code for horse by separating it into multiple functions.
Kitties that have been bred now only spawn one baby kitty. Baby kitties that are created from breeding will now prompt the owner to name them.
Bright green snakes no longer spawn in swamps, the spawns for these in swamps have been replaced with the dark brown/green snake.
Fixed kitty rotation and position for when kitty is on kitty bed and giving birth.
Fixed maggot model stretching out too much when hit.
Kitties now no longer attack the player if they haven't been fed too often. Kitties will still attack the player if they have been fed and can't find an unused litter box or if the player attacks them or if the player attacks a baby kitty. Kitties can still be pacified if angry by feeding them cooked fish.
Ostriches now no longer spawn in the outback biome from Biomes O' Plenty.
Increased dark pegasus speed to now only be slightly under the speed of a fairy horse. The original Mo' Creatures dark pegasus was as fast as a fairy horse. I've decided to keep the fairy horse as the fastest horse in it's original Mo' Creatures speed since it is harder to obtain than a dark pegasus (needing to sacrifice both a pure unicorn and pure pegasus to get it).
Fixed remove turkey if spawned in blacklisted biome event.
NOTE: Witchery player wolf form and player werewolf form replacements only works in single player. If used on servers it makes any werewolf players other than yourself be invisible when they are in wolf or werewolf form.
Fixed bunny rotation when picked up by player.
Fixed crash when starting up a server with Mo' Creatures Legacy.
Fixed pet naming GUI not accepting non-English characters.
Readded dancing pet zebras. They now dance when any music disc is put in a jukebox nearby. This was the only way I could bring back dancing zebras as I couldn't make them detect when a jukebox nearby was specifically playing the zebra record.
Removed the ability of Wraiths and Flame Wraiths to go through walls. This was done to return them to their original behaviour from the Mo' Creatures mod.
Fixed skeleton and undead horse skull textures.
Fixed horse mob and wraith not chasing player if the player manages to get above them.
Crickets will now only use their yellow variant when spawning in savannahs or deserts. Also changed Cricket spawning, they now only spawn in forests, plains, and savannahs.
Big Cats, Zebras, and Elephants will no longer spawn in the Outback biome from Biomes O'Plenty. Normal Mo'Creatures horses will spawn in the Outback instead of Zebras to resemble Brumbies in real life.
Flies now spawn in Savannah type biomes.
Fixed the replaceVanillaCreepers event not being dependent on the config files.
Improved descriptions for some configuration options in the config files.
Turkeys now no longer spawn in savannah biomes. Deers now only spawn in forests and jungles.
Added Chinese (Simplified) (zh_CN.lang) language file. Thanks to Omgise for the translation.
Changed medium fish spawns to reflect where they live in real life:
- Salmon: Rivers and Ocean
- Bass: Rivers and Swamp
- Cod: Ocean
Added more weakness items for Werewolf:
Witchery: Silver Sword
Biomes O' Plenty: Golden Scythe
Battle Gear 2:
- Golden Dagger
- Golden Battle Axe
- Golden Mace
- Golden Spear
Fixed turning player view to match wyvern view even if the player failed to mount the wyvern.
Fixed egg-hatching chat notification not being dependent on the language files.
Radded Mandarinfish and Anglerfish, they now only spawn in the ocean. Also added emissive textures for Anglerfish.
Fixed armor protection not working for wyverns. Also fixed a minor bug with armor protection for magic horses.
Reduced weakness damage to werewolf from golden sword and Witchery Silver Sword damage to be 9. Because of this, the Mo'Creatures Silver Sword is now the most powerful weapon against Mo' Creatures Werewolves.
Tweaked ostrich helmet protection values to follow a similar order to horse armor protection.
Fixed Skeleton shooting the horse mob that it is riding when trying to shoot the player.
Fixed bug where special horses try to wear regular horse armor, which caused that special horse to be invisible.
Renamed "Crystal Mount Armor" to "Crystal Horse Armor".
Added 84 achievements for the Mo' Creatures mod.
Replaced entity textures with a backport of the textures from crazyspacekid's 16x Mo Creatures resource pack with further modifications.
Made all text relating to the mod dependent on the language file. So even if this project doesn't get a lot of language file contributions before the development deadline you can still create a resource pack with translated language files for this mod. If you do so, you may distribute the language files you created under the GNU General Public License v3.0 as per the condition of this project's custom license.
Added death messages for pets. These will only be visible to the owner of the pet.
Added built-in Thaumcraft aspects.
Predator-type creatures now actually hunt animals they are supposed to. You can disable predator creatures hunting other animals by setting the Minecraft difficulty to peaceful.
Kitty Bed:
- Fixed Kitty Bed render and texture render bugs.
- Readjusted Kitty Bed fleece colours to better match Minecraft wool colours. Also fixed fleece for the black Kitty Bed being fully black without any texture
- Fixed Kitty Bed items of different types being stacked together.
- Fixed kitty bed items not having their colour as a prefix in their names.
Weapons: Fixed weapons not dealing any damage. Fixed game crash on blocking with weapons. This was fixed by using the last update of the Mo' Creatures source code on GitHub.
Readded ability to feed Pet Snakes with live Mice. Shift and right-click on a Pet Snake with a Mouse in your hand, it may be a bit hard to get the aiming right.
Big Golem:
Fixed Big Golem being invincible even in full form. This was fixed by using the last update of the Mo' Creatures source code on GitHub.
Fixed Big Golem trying to pick up Bedrock.
Fixed Werewolf taking too much damage when hit for the first time. This was fixed by using the last update of the Mo' Creatures source code on GitHub.
Renamed some Items and Entities:
- WWolf --> Dire Wolf
- WildHorse --> Horse
- Pet Food --> Cat Food
- Komodo Egg --> Komodo Dragon Egg Also renamed fur, hide, reptile, and scorpion armour items' prefixes.
Removed all previous dependencies. This mod now works stand-alone. Mo'Creatures now no longer tries to change entity despawning. Despawning of Mo' Creature entities is now handled by default Minecraft. Tamed creatures and item entities (e.g: kitty bed) will not despawn. Also removed the config option to force despawns.
Removed Ent entity.
- Sharks no longer attack dolphins, this makes it more realistic as in real life sharks are afraid of dolphins.
- Pet Shark can now be healed with raw fish or clownfish.
Boars no longer hunt any animal, and only attack in self-defence.
Readjusted spawning for some creatures. See the “Spawn Table” section.
Removed config option for zebra spawning weight within horses as zebras will now spawn in savanna biomes with the same weight as all other horses.
Fixed flying horse speed glitch when players have a creature on their head or in their hand. Now players cannot ride a horse with another creature in their hand or on their head.
Fixed glitch where mice and pet baby scorpions will get tilted into their picked-up state even if they failed to get picked up by the player.
Fixed naming GUI popping up when feeding a tamed Bear.
- Fixed all bugs.
- Increased attack damage for adult crocodiles. The adult crocodile bite is now one of the strongest attacks out of Mo' Creatures animals. Also fixed Crocodiles not dealing damage rapidly enough when creatures are stuck inside their mouths.
Kitty Bed, Kitty Litter boxes and Fishbowls now drop themselves on death. Kitty litter boxes will only drop themselves on death if they are clean. Kitty bed and Kitty Litter boxes now have 5 HP.
- Fixed Whip not working.
- Fixed whip sounds not playing when making a horse sit.
- Using whip item now only interacts with the closest entity to the player, and no longer tries to interact with multiple entities around the player. Also, decreased range at which this interaction happens to make the entity sit, you now need to be slightly closer to the entity that you want to sit down.
Increased Elephant default attack damage. Adults attack damage is 8, child attack damage is 4. Both of these increase with the type of tusks they are wearing.
Change the protection values of fur and hide armour to be the same as leather armour.
Readjusted Fire Horse and Fire Werewolf animation speed to fit the new 16x texture.
- Snails, Maggots, and Jellyfish now no longer drop slime balls.
- Fixed Snail Hp: reduced from 20hp to 2hp.
Made all essence recipes shapeless. Also, you now get two empty bottles back from crafting an essence of light.
- Horses now handle horse armour protection and their damage reduction in almost the same way as vanilla Minecraft horses.
- Fixed Horses not having the health that their tier is supposed to have.
- Fixed Fire Horse and Dark Pegasus not being immune to Fire.
- Fixed horse dying and horse mad sounds not playing.
- Increased fairy horse hp from 20 to 35.
- Fixed Nightmare horse sitting when using a whip while mounted.
- Fixed Unicorns not gliding when ridden by the player.
- Fixed Dark Pegasus being slower than Tier 1 horse.
- Every horse that is made from essences or ghost horses now defend themselves against attacking mobs when not mounted.
- Added option in config to control whether special horses fight back if attacked.
Fixed players being able to put untamed bunnies on their heads.
Adding pet food to kitty beds and adding sand to used kitty litter boxes can now be automated using dispensers. Or you can drop the item on them yourself if you want to.
- Added new sounds.
- Pandas now eat bamboo items if they are on the ground or dropped near them.
Improved code for interacting with birds. Pet birds can now be fed any seeds by hand to feed them, or you can drop them near them, and they will eat them.
More Taming & Healing Items
- Bunnies can now be tamed and healed using Biomes O Plenty Wild Carrots, Biomes O Plenty Turnips, and Et Futurum Requiem Beetroot in addition to the previous items (carrot, and golden carrot)
- Birds can now be tamed and healed using aMinecraftaft seeds, beetroot seeds from Et Futurum requiem and turnip seeds from Biomes O' Plenty
- Added new food items for Big Cats. Big Cats can now be tamed and healed using raw porkchop, raw beef, raw chicken, raw fish, raw ostrich, raw turkey, and Et Futurum requiem raw rabbit.
- Pandas can now be tamed and healed with Biomes O' Plenty, Et Futurum Requiem, and Tropicraft Bamboo.
- Baby elephants can now only be tamed using sugar lumps. Tamed elephants can still be healed using sugar lumps and wheat.
- Ostriches can now only be healed with seeds. Ostriches now also accept Biomes O Plenty Turnip Seeds, and Et Futurum Requiem Beetroot Seeds
- Pet Wyverns can now be healed with Et Futurum raw rabbit.
- Tamed Komodo dragons can now be healed using Et Futurum raw rabbit.
Improved code for picking up and dropping birds, bunnies, snakes, mice, pet scorpions, fish bowl, kitty bed, and kitty litter box. You now need to use an empty hand to pick them up on your head and drop them from your head.
Removed all small fish except for anchovies, goldfish, and angel fish as they were the only freshwater fish. This was done to make small fish only freshwater fish.
- Fixed rattlesnake rattle sounds. Also replaced old rattle sounds and added new ones.
- Rattlesnakes now rattle as a warning to the player. If the player ignores the rattle and still approaches the untamed rattlesnake it will attack the player.
Added proper drops to kitty litter box, kitty bed, and fish bowl.
- Added sound effects for kitty using litter box.
- Kitties will now sleep in kitty beds at night if they find one. If they don't find one, they will sleep on the spot.
- By default, Creepers are now afraid of Kitties. This was achieved by replacing vanilla MC creepers with own extension of creeper code. Also added a config option to turn this off.
The following wild adult creatures now defend their young from attackers: Bears, Big Cats, and Elephants.
Health bars for pets now only show if they are hurt. Health bars can still be disabled altogether through config.
Wraiths and Flame Wraiths can now go through walls.
Fixed bug where flying monsters would not fly up to players if they were above them.
Removed spawn slimes on death of zombie horse mob.
Improved picked-up behaviour for mice, pet scorpions, snakes, birds, and bunnies. Mouse and Pet Scorpion will now get dropped from the player's hand if the player does not have an empty hand selected. All the previous creatures will also no longer take damage if you try to punch them while you have picked them up.
Fixed pet scorpions being too far away from the player when picked up.
Elephant bulldozer can now only destroy logs and leaves (anything from a tree). This was done to make elephants similar to real life where they can knock down trees.
Added new animations for horse and ostrich ramming.
All ridable creatures can now only be mounted with an empty hand.
- Fixed bug where it gets confused when the player tries to ride it.
- Tusks can now only be taken off by using shears on the elephant.
Fixed Flying mounts not being as fast as they are supposed to be.
Fixed dying sounds not playing for the following creatures: Deer, Elephant, Bear
Improved name for mount chest containers. Also made mount containers dependent on language file.
- Fixed deer being frozen.
- Also fixed deer not running away from players and scary creatures.
Made the remaining GUI-related text dependent on language files.
Also improved the wording for the previous license.