Disx b0.1.1 Patch 1 Fabric 1.20.1
on Oct 27, 2024Patch Notes b0.1.1-patch1:
- YouTube Audio Source updated- playback fixed
Disx b0.1.1 Quilt 1.20.1
on Sep 24, 2024Disx b0.1.1 Forge 1.20.1
on Sep 24, 2024Disx b0.1.1 Fabric 1.20.1
on Sep 24, 2024Patch Notes b0.1.1:
Less bugs!
- Patched Advanced Jukebox not dropping itself on destroy
- Applied destroy time to Advanced Jukebox (copied from minecraft:jukebox)
- Patched Lacquer Block not dropping itself on destroy
- Patched Record Press not dropping itself on destroy
- Applied destroy time to Record Press (copied from minecraft:piston)
- Patched Stamp Maker not dropping itself on destroy
- Applied destroy time to Stamp Maker (copied from minecraft:piston)
- Advanced Jukebox loop status now checked every time a disc inserted, patching a bug where if you left a redstone pulse going into the block, it wouldn’t save as “loop enabled” when the world closed
- Advanced Jukebox now implements ContainerSingleItem class, which makes holding and saving discs that were input more efficient code-wise
- Stamp Maker no longer takes hopper input inappropriately
Disx b0.1.0 Quilt 1.20.1
on Sep 1, 2024Disx b0.1.0 Forge 1.20.1
on Sep 1, 2024Disx b0.1.0 Fabric 1.20.1
on Sep 1, 2024Patch Notes b0.1.0:
Plenty of options on the table!
- Reordered/reorganized utility classes
- Updated YouTube source library to adapt to a YouTube update
- Added server-side config file (.properties)
- Added option to disable video existence check when making record stamps and generating discs via command
- Added player-use whitelist on server-side (.json, enable/disable in .properties)
- Added player-use blacklist on server-side (.json)
- Added dimension blacklist on server-side (.json)
- Changed Invalid Disc Type error to display as red when using /disxgen
- Modified Advanced Jukebox use cooldowns to track accurately interdimensionally
- Fixed console execution of /disxsound
- Fixed audio player not syncing up properly at server join
- Added dimension argument to /disxsound
- Added start time argument to /disxsound
- /disxsound now checks that a video id exists before trying to play it
- Fixed /disxsound sending playing at message to all players in the chat
- Server now properly logs when players request playback start, including who and what
- Added /disxconfig command with the following suboptions:
/disxconfig getProperties
/disxconfig setProperty <KEY> <VALUE>
/disxconfig getUseWhitelist
/disxconfig getUseBlacklist
/disxconfig getDimensionBlacklist
/disxconfig modifyUseWhitelist add <USERNAME>
/disxconfig modifyUseWhitelist remove <USERNAME>
/disxconfig modifyUseBlacklist add <USERNAME>
/disxconfig modifyUseBlacklist remove <USERNAME>
/disxconfig modifyDimensionBlacklist add <DIMENSION>
/disxconfig modifyDimensionBlacklist remove <DIMENSION>
- Added suggestion providers where useful for /disxconfig sub-commands
- Added /disxmute command to mute players' audios you don’t want to listen to
- Added /disxforcestop command to force stop all audios playing (requires op permission level >=2)
- Updated /disxhelp to list new commands for ops and non-ops
- Fixed players who are in not in range of an audio getting errors sent to them if audios fail to play
- Added /disxstamp command to generate record stamps via command
- Added loop option on Advanced Jukebox (enable/disable with redstone pulse, currently does not save loop status with world closure, so you’ll have to flip the lever again to set loop when a server is restarted, this will be patched next update, it just requires some rewriting of some of the advanced jukebox)
Disx b0.0.2 Patch 2 Quilt 1.20.1
on Aug 21, 2024Disx b0.0.2 Patch 2 Forge 1.20.1
on Aug 21, 2024Patch Notes b0.0.2-patch-2:
Another day, another patch!
(on a real note I'm so sorry for the number of patches I keep pushing out, but we gotta get those bugs fixed!)
- Fixed incompatibility bug that caused the game to disconnect
- Fixed incompatibility bug with WorldEdit that threw a MissingResourceException on Forge (migrated Mozilla Rhino library into source code)
Disx b0.0.2 Patch 2 Fabric 1.20.1
on Aug 21, 2024Patch Notes b0.0.2-patch-2:
Another day, another patch!
(on a real note I'm so sorry for the number of patches I keep pushing out for this one version in the past few days, but we gotta get those bugs fixed!)
- Fixed incompatibility bug that caused the game to disconnect
- Fixed incompatibility bug with WorldEdit that threw a MissingResourceException on Forge (migrated Mozilla Rhino library into source code)
Disx b0.0.2 Patch 1 Quilt 1.20.1
on Aug 18, 2024Disx b0.0.2 Patch 1 Forge 1.20.1
on Aug 18, 2024Disx b0.0.2 Patch 1 Fabric 1.20.1
on Aug 18, 2024Patch Notes b0.0.2-patch-1:
- Fixed updater saying previous build was outdated even though it wasn't
- Added Buy Me a Coffee url to /disxinfo
Disx b0.0.2 Quilt 1.20.1
on Aug 17, 2024Disx b0.0.2 Forge 1.20.1
on Aug 17, 2024Disx b0.0.2 Fabric 1.20.1
on Aug 17, 2024Patch Notes b0.0.2:
- Added modCompileOnly dependency, REI API
- Gradle updated to 8.8
- Architectury Loom updated to 1.7.412
- Quilt subproject added
- Patched bug where Stamp Maker wouldn’t work in other dimensions
- Rewrote Audio Player registries used by Advanced Jukebox
- Cleaned up client-side Audio Player code
- Patched bug where you could hear sound from an Advanced Jukebox in one dimension in another if at the same block coordinates
- Added Audio Player ownership, which tracks who started playing what sound (not included on the /disxsound command, that will come soon, and this feature will be built onto later for use by players and admins alike)
- Modified Record Press block entity renderer to render record stamps perpendicular to blank discs
- Record Press custom disc variant calculations migrated to RecipeType
- Compatibility with REI, highly recommended so you can see Record Press recipes
- Quilt version created
Disx b0.0.1 Forge 1.20.1
on Aug 15, 2024Disx b0.0.1 Fabric 1.20.1
on Aug 15, 2024Patch Notes b0.0.1:
Into the beta stage we go!
- Gradle version updated to 8.3
- Architectury API updated to 9.2.14
- Fabric Loader updated to 0.15.11
- Fabric API updated to 0.92.2+1.20.1
- Forge Loader updated to 47.3.0
- Vinyl Shard introduced, recipe for it added (minecraft: crafting_shaped)
- Creative Mode tab added
- Blank Disc item recipe (minecraft: crafting_shaped)
- Added Stamp Maker block, recipe for it added (minecraft: crafting_shaped)
- Added hot bar cooldown effect to disc in hand when clicking on an advanced jukebox and waiting for it to process the disc request
- Command permissions added (/disxgen and /disxsound require admin privileges, minimum of op level 2)
- /disxgen added “player” argument, usage/syntax is adjusted
- /disxgen now plays a sound when a disc is distributed
- Added Record Press Block, recipe for it added (minecraft: crafting_shaped)
- Added Advanced Jukebox recipe (minecraft: crafting_shapeless)
- Added Drops of Lacquer, obtainable from tree leave drops
- Added Block of Lacquer, recipe for it added (minecraft: crafting_shaped)
- Added Record Stamps (produced by stamp maker)
- Added new custom disc type: default
- Mod update notifier added
- /disxinfo command added
- /disxhelp command added
- Moved song titles to disc tool tips (compatibility mode designed on Advanced Jukebox for easy conversion to new song title location)
- Fixed Advanced Jukebox destroy bug that was occurring on Forge (when disc wouldn’t drop and sound wouldn’t stop)
Disx a0.0.2 Forge 1.20.1
on Aug 3, 2024Disx a0.0.2 Fabric 1.20.1
on Aug 3, 2024Version a0.0.2 (03 August 2024)
- Made records drop and sounds stop when an Advanced Jukebox is destroyed
- Rewrote disc titling and timing
- Modified Disx system messages