Screen shake for explosions nearby with an intensity depending on distance from explosion
Screen shake from lightning nearby with an intensity depending on distance from explosion
full config migration from json to toml
many new config options for you to tweak to your heart's content!
support for vehicles and animals
many many bugs fixed
Screen shake for explosions nearby with an intensity depending on distance from explosion
Screen shake from lightning nearby with an intensity depending on distance from explosion
full config migration from json to toml
many new config options for you to tweak to your heart's content!
support for vehicles and animals
many many bugs fixed
- Screen shake for explosions nearby with an intensity depending on distance from explosion
- Screen shake from lightning nearby with an intensity depending on distance from explosion
- full toml config
- support for vehicles and animals
- many many bugs fixed
- Updated to 1.21 (sorry for the wait)
- Updated to 1.21
- Updated to 1.20.6
- Updated to 1.20.6 & 1.21
Fixed spectator crash bug
Fixed Barrel Roll compatibility issue
Fixed issues #1 and #2
1.20.6 port soon?
Added compatibility with 1.19.4