Fixed broken turret menu
Players could bring up the turret menu, but couldn't do anything
Fixed Sniper Rifle piercing when close to target
Players could still pierce with the Sniper Rifle (and other long range guns) when very close to their targets
Increased Sniper Rifle rate of fire
Nessesary buff since piercing was removed a couple updates ago
Fixed broken ammoless gun bug
Ammoless guns, ray guns or custom guns, wouldn't shoot on right click
Added bubble_column and kelp to raycast pass lists
Cleaned up tag lists
See the datapack for the changelog
Fixed broken death messages bug
Death messages were accidentally broke in V1.20
Added Minigun
Very high rate of fire, very high magazine size, very low range
Fixed z-fighting on Sniper Rifle
Was only noticable when the item was dropped
Increased 9V and 15V Laser Batteries cost
Reduced Flame Thrower cost
See the datapack for the full changelog.
Fixed broken C4 Remote and Laser Shield models
Fixed broken medical item models
Updated License
See the datapack for the full changelog.
Fixed fire projectiles going through clay bug
Flamethrower projectiles could shoot through clay
Fixed projectiles being stopped by redstone components bug
Gun projectiles couldn't should through levers, repeaters, and other redstone components
Lowered particles used in laser projectiles
Should increase performance for lower-end PCs and servers
Lowered particles used in Ray Gun: Red
Should increase performance for lower-end PCs and servers
Added Bazooka fire sound
Numerous balance changes
Increased Shotgun reload speed Increased Laser Pistol damage Increased Laser Rifle range Increased Laser Cannon
Rewrote much of datapack
Almost all changed made in this update are behind-the-scenes A lot of it was fixing weird spaghetti-code that has existed since v1.3 Unfortunately, this means that all currently existing guns on will be broken Medical items will still function, their textures will be broken though To fix a broken gun, simply right click whilst holding it.
Added Dynamic Guns
Players can change the attributes of guns in the give command to change damage, range and many more stats This system is quite limited at the present moment, but more customization and addon support will be created in the future
See the datapack for the full changelog.
Fixed turrets ignoring shulkers and wardens bug
Turrets wouldn't shoot at wardens or shulkers
Fixed warden overkill bug
The warden would continue to attack turrets once they entered the destroyed stage
Fixed Turret Type turret menu overlap bug
If multiple turret types were present within four blocks, the Turret Type would appear three times
Fixed turret stuck aboveground bug
Sentry and Perdition turrets wouldn't go back underground after being repaired after entering the damaged phase
Fixed light block shooting bug
Projectiles, gun or turret, couldn't go through light blocks
Fixed broken crafting manual bug
A change made in mc 1.20.3 broke the crafting manuals
Fixed incorrect auto gun descriptions
Automatic guns had the wrong rate of fire listed in their tooltip
Fixed Turret suffocation when placed on wall bug
Turrets placed on walls would start suffocating
Fixed salvage inability bug
If a functional turret was nearby players would be unable to salvage turrets
Fixed absurd Flamethrower damage
The Flamethrower could do insane amounts of damage to targets
Fixed broken turret pick up bug
Turrets once picked up would be unable to be placed down again
Fixed autoclicker spam shooting bug
Players with an external autoclicker could shoot automatic guns faster than normal
Fixed turret shooting owner bug
The Perdition and Sentry turrets would shoot their owner when set to shoot at players
Fixed multiple pick up bug
Players could obtain infinite number of turrets if they picked one up while there were multiple different types nearby
Fixed multiple salvage bug
Players could obtain infinite number of salvage resources if they picked one up while there were multiple different types nearby
Fixed turret riding bug
Players could attach a saddle to a turret and use a carrot on a stick to ride the turret around
Fixed overlapping turret bug
Players could place multiple turrets on the same block; caused some interesting bugs
Updated to Minecraft 1.20.4
Datapack now works on the latest release of Minecraft
Updated License
Added Modrinth and Datapack Hub as an official download sites