⚠️ WARNING: This is a BETA
Due to a lack of a proper server network was I unable to test out this plugin version. I'm confident that it will work, but I do not give any guarantees.
Make sure to create backups of your server!
PAPIProxyBridge support
This update implements support for the plugin PAPIProxyBridge which allows the usage of PlaceholderAPI placeholders on your BungeeCord or Velocity proxy.
Do note that AdvancedServerList requires at least version 1.3 of PAPIProxyBridge to work due to new methods being implemented by that plugin.
Favicon improvements
The FaviconHandler - the class responsible for the favicon creation and management - has received some changes.
The creation of the Favicon has been wrapped into a CompletableFuture, allowing asynchronous creation. Tho, this also means that if the CompletableFuture is not done yet when the plugin requests the favicon will null
be returned, which is treated as no favicon being applied.
This hopefully helps with Waterfall reporting the plugin being slow whenever a favicon is being used...
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44Publication date
July 28, 2023 at 5:11 PMPublisher