- Strip trailing white space from configs when parsing.
- Add chest boat drops.
Thank you to everyone for the PRs w/ fixes!
- Put wailing nylium in the shovel tag.
- Fire tree grow event on forge.
- Fix button rendering.
- Fix potted blocks.
- Stop nether plants from burning.
- Fix wailing nylium spreading to netherrack.
- Add vietnamese translation.
- Bump pack version.
- Don't use unique paths for data files.
- Remove useless tinted overlays to simplify blocks.
- Add LambdaBetterGrass metadata for "grassy" block.
- Tweaks to recipes and tags.
- Added a blasting recipe for budding ametrine ore.
- Added some missing tags to ores, fixes compatibility with Tinker's Construct.
- Added smelting and blasting recipes to nether gold and quartz ores.
- Adjusted cryptic end rod recipe to be crafted from an end rod and redstone dust.
- Adjusted lantern recipes to match the vanilla lantern recipes.
- Removed some blocks from the netherrack Forge tag, as Forge does not include similar vanilla blocks.
- Remove Forge tag references to lignite.
- Remove recipe to smelt magmatic stone into magma blocks as this can cause duplication issues with any mods that interact with magma.
- Remove second travertine crafting recipe and adjust its recipe to require calcite and cobblestone (rough equivalents of its real-world composition).
- Add a recipe to create purpur stone from popped chorus fruits and cobblestone.
- Make subzero crystal blocks drop some of their shards, similar to glowstone.
- Make foragers table drop itself when broken.
- Update to 1.19.2.
- Remove signs.
- Fix BYG on Forge versions above
- Fix
command, should also resolve an incompatibility withMemory Leak Fix
- Fix Eroded Badlands extensions in Shattered Glacier + Sierra Badland biomes.
- Fix stair recipes #808
- Tag stuff
- Fire events dependent of registry objects(ie blocks & villager professions) after fabric mod initialization/registry freezing.
- Fix crashing signs.
- Tag related changes & additions. - BREAKING CHANGES
- Port to 1.19..
- Add chest boats.
- Breaking changes:
- Rename all mangrove blocks/items/world gen from
. - Remove all mud blocks.
- Remove all lignite blocks.
- Remove Plant Stem & Petal blocks.
- Remove Windswept Dunes & Windswept Beach.
- Remove Holly Berries
- Fix a spelling error related to mahogany boats,
- Rename all mangrove blocks/items/world gen from
- Misc Changes worth mentioning:
- Refactor world gen features to use suppliers.
- Add data gen for resources & compress texture size #758 by Matyrobbrt
End 1.18, start 1.19
- Release
- Fix ocean biome selector from spawning lush stacks everywhere,
Lush Stacks
&Dead Sea
should be much rarer. Changes apply after config update/reset. - Fix some saplings not being growable & not displaying their growing pattern tooltip on the item.
- Add Yellow & Blue Nether brick slabs/stairs.
- Prevent BYG from getting wrongfully blamed for game crashes/errors occurring during other events.
- Add signs.
- Add mob spawns, color settings, and biome tags (required advanced tool tips to be enabled (F3+H) to show) to biome about pages.
- Add config loading failure screen that should appear in place of crashing(doesn't work for all configs, but should reduce game exits).
- Fix a bug where a biome that doesn't generate would crash in the biomepedia dimensions list, add a component that tells the user that the biome in question doesn't spawn anywhere instead.
- Add translation components for numerous components that were hardcoded to english.
- Much better and informative error in relation to biomes occurring in both biome selectors and biome swapper for
- Fix feature order cycle crash.
- Biome list in w/ search bar in biomepedia.
- Biomepedia tweaks.
- Bug fixes.
- Fix forager XP progression.
- Reworked
Sythian Scaffolding
to be more parity with vanilla Scaffolding (can now be used with each other!!). - Add
button that links to our Crowdin in the biomepedia! - Fixed travertine crafting recipe conflicting with Red Rock crafting recipe.
- Fixed Weeping Mire biome color.
- Tweaked Lament Sprouts texture.
- Revamped some block textures.
- Add sign block textures.
- Lower Required Terrablender version to
due to client packet issue that occurs in1.1.0.101
. - Fix Registry Codecs(ie: non-existing villager professions defaulting to villager profession of
), should fix the inputting of non-existent villager professions and should now properly error instead. Fixes #727.
- Remove Travertine from world gen.
- Add Travertine + Soapstone world gen.
- Fix
in relation to growing patterns config.
- Much more informative exceptions in relation to configs.
- Saplings Pattern Config is now referred to as Growing Patterns.
- Add Comments to Growing Patterns config.
- Don't crash if a dimension is not present when attempting to append surface rules or replace biome sources.
- Add curseforge/modrinth upload tasks to build.gradle, no gameplay changes.
Oh_The_Biomes_You'll_Go-forge-1.19.2- MiB) Primary
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August 29, 2022 at 2:17 AMPublisher

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