New Dependencies
- CorgiLib is now required for forge & fabric. You can get it here:
- Geckolib is now required for forge & fabric. You can get it here:
New Content
Man O War!
- These glowing aquatic mob spawns in the Lush Stacks!
- Comes in the following colors:
- Rainbow
- Blue
- Purple
- Magenta
- Gameplay? These are ambient creatures and will poison the injurer.
Pumpkin Ward!
- Pumpkin Wards can be exclusively found in Pumpkin Patches, a unique village found in all autumnal biomes & Cika Woods.
- Pumpkin Wards will harvest pumpkins & melons and will drop it in front of a carved pumpkin (auto pumpkin & melon farming!).
- Pumpkin Wards will stay within a 35 block radius of a Bell or wander till they find one
- Pumpkin Wards don't sleep
- Pumpkin Wards can be lured with Pumpkin Pie (They do not eat it!)
- Pumpkin Wards Cannot be bred. So take special care of your pumpkin friends!
- Playing a music disc within a 10 block radius will cause them to rave into a dance party!
- When threatened, the Pumpkin Ward will drop any items it's carrying and pretend to be a pumpkin.
New Blocks!
- Flowering & Ripe leave blocks. Flowering leaves have a rare chance of turning into their ripe counterpart. Ripe leaves have a rare chance of spawning a fruit block. The following species have flowering/ripe leaves:
- Skyris
- Orchard
- Baobab
- Joshua
- Apple fruit blocks - Can be found at the nearest Orchard biome growing/hanging from ripe orchard leaves!
- Joshua fruit blocks - Can found at the nearest Mojave Desert growing/hanging from ripe Joshua fruit leaves!
- Green Apple fruit blocks - Can found at the nearest Skyris Vale growing/hanging from green apple skyris leaves!
- Blue rose bush.
- Imbued green & blue enchanted logs.
- Flowering & Ripe leave blocks. Flowering leaves have a rare chance of turning into their ripe counterpart. Ripe leaves have a rare chance of spawning a fruit block. The following species have flowering/ripe leaves:
New Points of Interests!
- Pumpkin Patches - Home to the Pumpkin ward. Found in all autumnal biomes & Cika Woods.
New Advancements!
- Rose Collector
- Can be achieved when collecting the following items:
- Blue Rose Bush
- Black Rose
- Winter Rose
- Cyan Rose
- Osiria Rose
- Rose
- Rose Bush
- Wither rose
- Can be achieved when collecting the following items:
- Rose Collector
New Textures
- New Green Enchanted textures.
- New Maple textures.
- New Cherry leave textures.
- New Ametrine Block & Armor textures.
- New Therium textures.
- New Arisian Textures.
Therium Rework
- Therium Deposits can now be found once again throughout BYG End Biomes.
- Therium now functions exactly like Amethyst.
- Therium is now very common and deposits are very large, the goal of this is to make Therium a more viable resource for decorations & lanterns (which still moisturize lush farmland!).
- Therium has also received texture overhauls.
- Therium Lanterns now have an animation.
- With this revamp, old therium blocks have been removed. This includes 'Therium Crystal' & 'Therium Block' and Therium Shard have been renamed to 'Therium Crystal Shard'.
- Therium Buds & Clusters, etc. are mineable at Iron Tier and higher.
Biome reworks
Araucaria Savanna
- Generation Tweaks
- Remove Firecracker Shrub
- Add Shrubs
- Generation Tweaks
Forgotten Forest
- Generation overhaul.
- New vegetation.
- New Imbued green & blue enchanted logs spawn in the trunks of the enchanted trees.
- Generation overhaul.
Imparius Grove
- Generation overhaul.
- Deltas now spawn in place of the lakes which would cause eyesore cuts in the terrain.
- Denser Vegetation.
- No more floating tree trunks
- Generation overhaul.
Jacaranda Forest
- Generation Overhauls.
- New Trees & Vegetation.
- Generation Overhauls.
Maple Taiga
- Maple Taiga now has proper Mob Spawning parity to that of Taigas.
- Generation Overhauls.
- Add sparse spruce trees.
- New vegetation.
- New block textures.
Mojave Desert
- Joshua trees now provide joshua fruit.
- Orchard trees now provide apples.
Rose fields
- Lower flower spawn rates to reduce performance impact.
- Add Blue Rose Bushes to world gen.
- Add a mix of blue & red spruce trees.
Tropical Rainforest
- Generation Tweaks
- Vines are far denser & Cocoa beans now spawn on trees (thanks tree decorators). Should feel much more like a jungle.
- Temporarily remove Tropical Village spawning.
- Generation Tweaks
Skyris Vale
- Generation overhaul.
- New Trees & Vegetation.
- Skyris trees provide green apples.
- Generation overhaul.
Windswept Dunes
- Generation Tweaks
- Remove windswept lake. These need redesigning.
- Generation Tweaks
Weeping Witch Forest
- New POI: Salem Village can be found here.
Swamp Biomes
- Spawn delta features to flood the biomes more. This also means water will appear at elevations not at sea level.
- Should now spawn swamp huts.
All Overworld & End Biomes
- Floating tree/fungi/mushroom trunks should no longer occur.
- All trunks verify they are not on a cliff prior to placing blocks.
- All trunks now fill to the ground and (random) tick their ground block.
- Floating tree/fungi/mushroom trunks should no longer occur.
Some Overworld biomes
- More vanilla logs can be found in many of our biomes mixed with the other vegetation.
- Increase grass spawns.
- Add blueberry spawns to following biomes:
- Autumnal Taiga
- Black Forest
- Canadian Shield
- Cika Woods
- Coconino Meadows
- Coniferous Forest
- Dacite Ridges
- Howling Peaks
- Maple Taiga
- Rose Fields
- Weeping Witch Forest
- Zelkova Forest
- Misc tweaks.
- New biome descriptions(not all complete yet).
- Biomepedia text now supports chat component formatting (internal change).
- Bold biome names & information categories
- Fix sky color using fog color.
- Biome colors(sky, water, water fog, grass color, foliage color) will now have their text colored based off the color of the field.
- Item page items are now alphabetically sorted.
Removed content
- Remove Windswept lakes until they're redesigned/improved.
- Temporarily remove Tropical Village spawning(it still exists in the registry to not break worlds) due to a broken NBT.
Technical Changes
- Any datapacks modifying trees are broken.
- Trees now use CorgiLib's
feature.- Allows to build trees with a trunk & canopy structure NBT parts.
- Allows the use of vanilla & modded tree decorators. These include but are not limited to:
- Vines
- Cocoa Beans
- Attached To Leaves blocks such as vanilla's propagules.
- Calculates leave distance and avoids placing leaves that are too far away.
- Much better control over tree height.
- The ability to place other blocks found in the trunk & canopy NBTs.
- The ability to filter what blocks may be replaced by leaves w/ vanilla & modded BlockPredicates.
- The ability to filter what blocks the tree feature considers ground w/ vanilla & modded BlockPredicates.
- Removed Biomepedia item advancement gift. Switched to config option.
- Remove numerous configured features and features from the registry.
- It is advised to delete your config directory and let your game regenerate them fresh.
- Overworld Biomes -
- Added a global biome swapper which allows you to swap a biome of your choice to another for ALL Overworld regions. This is for those of you who don't want to edit numerous files.
- The ability to disable Overworld biomes should now function.
- Disable it by setting
"overworld_enabled": true
- Disable it by setting
- Biomepedia -
- Added the ability to disable the biomepedia item, it will no longer be gifted with an advancement.
- Disable it by setting
"give_item": true
- Disable it by setting
- Added the ability to disable the biomepedia item, it will no longer be gifted with an advancement.
- Settings -
- Logger settings
- Added the ability to disable certain types of logging such as warnings, info, & debug. Errors cannot be hidden.
- Warnings & info are disabled by default.
- Added the ability to filter out specific terms, characters or phrases from logging in your
- Added the ability to disable certain types of logging such as warnings, info, & debug. Errors cannot be hidden.
- World Generation
- The ability to disable BYG world gen altogether should now function.
- Disable it by setting
"world_generation": true
- Disable it by setting
- The ability to disable BYG world gen altogether should now function.
- Logger settings
- Villager Trades -
- Villager Trades config will no longer crash when a villager not existent in your game's registry is in the config. A warning will be logged instead.
Bug Fixes
- Fix floating trees in Overworld & End Dimensions. Trees will now check they're not on a cliff first & build logs until they hit the ground. Tree trunks will now always be in contact with the ground.
- Add Bastion Remnants to BYG biomes. Fixes #1096
- Villagers can now use Foragers table.
- Fix Flat Vegetation Voxel Shapes. Don't random offset Ether Foliage texture.
- Only create
with BYG name space biomes. Fixes oversized packets when users have lots of biome mods. - Fix BYG Config world gen check.
- Fixed Flower Patches not spawning.
- Fixed Leaf Pile block.
- Fixed Embur Gel Vines not being climbable.
- Fix brimstone ore textures (#1076).
- Fix Blueberry bush spawns, blueberries will now spawn in the following biomes:
- Autumnal Taiga
- Black Forest
- Canadian Shield
- Cika Woods
- Coconino Meadows
- Coniferous Forest
- Dacite Ridges
- Howling Peaks
- Maple Taiga
- Rose Fields
- Weeping Witch Forest
- Zelkova Forest
Don't crash if the villager key doesn't exist in the Villager Trade's config, log a warning instead.
Embur Lily now can be placed on lava.
Fix Composting Items on Quilt. Fixes #987.
BYG Sandstone Recipe Fixes (#1016).
Fix lily pad placement bug (#1010).
Fix Peat turning into farmland. Fixes #1051, Fixes #1045, Fixes #797.
Add dependency for GeckoLib. Fixes issue #1053 (#1060)
Remove tall flowers in
tag. -
Fix Lush Dirt & Lush Grass turning into Lush Farmland.
Fix broken recipes.
Fix witch hazel saplings.
Fixed flower patch rendering issues.
Removed large flowers and pollen block from small flowers tag.
Fixed puffball stew stacking to 64.
Flowering lilly's will now place with their item.
Add Blue & Yellow Nether brick stairs/slabs to pickaxe mineable tag. Fixes #1057.
Fix Upper and bottom layer swapping in NetherBiomesConfig, Fixes #1024.
Allow invalid Villager Professions in the config and log each invalid Villager Profession. Addresses #1027.
Fixed some Nether Biomes not spawning Ancient Debris..
Swamps can now spawn Witch huts.
Added chest recipe for conflicts and crafting table conversion.
Fix sythian wart blocks not having a wart block loot table. Also fix flat vegetation having y height variation (#1040).
Fix Blue Sage spawning.
Fix sky color using fog color in the biomepedia.
Set material color for numerous blocks to better match their textures.
Other bugs probably.
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730Publication date
March 1, 2023 at 1:26 PMPublisher

Lead Coder